I did reconnect with a few people and things and I feel better for it. My reconnection with my faith in God has really made the biggest difference out of everything else. I have been able to give things over to Him, instead of holding them inside and stewing over them. I have also made new friends, and reconnected with old ones, because of my renewed faith. I couldn't ask for anything more than what God has already given me, although I know he has great things in store for me in the years to come.
I have spent entirely too many years of my life doing things because I felt like I ought to be doing them. I have worked jobs that were not helping me to move forward towards my goals and life dreams. I have ignored my passion for the sake of a paycheck.
This year will be different. I will focus on those hobbies and tasks that fulfill me. Writing, painting, drawing, baking, photography, volunteering. I will learn more about each of these, with the goal of improvement and development always in mind. And I will share my talents with others, to help them reach their goals as well.
I will also continue to focus on deepening my faith, on finding ways that I can continue to grow as a Christian, and finding ways to show God's love to those around me.
I realize, as this year begins, that it is easy to say things like this on January 1. The whole year lays in front of me like a blank journal and I just need to pick up the pen and get to writing. I'm planning to document my progress throughout the year. And I'll not be afraid to admit if I make a misstep. I will share those, too. The good and the bad, they make up who I am, and they will help to move me forward into the best year of my life.
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